Terms and Conditions

Lead Intelligence Limited are a UK consumer data aggregate. This means that we gather information about people from different data sources called Data Contributors. The data includes loan applications, competitions entries, newsletter subscriptions and public databases such as the Edited Electoral Roll, the Land Registry and the Energy Performance database. We combine this information to create a Single Customer view so we can provide your information to other companies who want to contact you about their products and services.

These other companies are called Third Party Controllers and we share your information with them.

Our Data Collection Practices

Lead Intelligence Ltd is a leader in the marketing services industry, so we adopt and implement best practices and diligently seek to follow all laws governing the acquisition, compilation and distribution of consumer data. These practices include careful screening of data sources, ongoing internal audits, and appropriate consumer notice and choice.

Consent and Legitimate Interests Your data must be processed by us using one of the valid legal bases set out in the regulations. The two we utilise are Consent, this is where you consent for contact by a specific organisation by communication channels agreed by you, for specific reasons, which in the context of our processing will be for marketing purposes. When we ask for your consent for a specific organisation, we will do so by giving you the opportunity to tick a box online or answer a question on the phone. You can of course withdraw your consent at any time, and we will describe later in this policy Legitimate interest As a direct marketing business, we process personal data for commercial benefit. We require an appropriate legal basis to do this. In considering the most appropriate legal basis, Lead Intelligence conducted Legitimate Interest Assessments. These are evaluations of each type of data processing activity to ensure we have balanced the need for processing against the rights of the individual to ensure minimal privacy impact. Your data will be processed in pursuance of legitimate interests, this includes using your data for postal and telephone by ourselves or partners in relation to products or services we believe will be of interest to you based on the information you have provided. For all types of processing activities, we apply various measures to protect your privacy rights. As with all data processing you can object as detailed below.

Why do we process your information?

We process your information to share with Third Party Data Controllers to bring you information about Products and Services that may be of interest to you and include such things that may help you save money, borrow money, reduce debt, increase earnings, improve your credit rating, improve your health and fitness, create more value for money, get better results and create benefits for you and your family.

Data Retention And How We Retain Data

In accordance with the GDPR, personal data shall be kept for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which it is being processed for. Lead Intelligence ’s systems store personal data therefore all reasonable precautions shall be taken to ensure that appropriate confidentiality and control procedures are in place. We take the security of your data and the accessibility to our systems very seriously, with an emphasis on physical security, network and application security.

Why do we share your information with Third Party Controllers?

We only share your information if you have given explicit consent. This means that you have made a positive action to opt-in and agree to Third Party Controllers contacting you directly or passing on your information to a Sub Processor to contact you. A Sub Processor may be a Call Centre who are employed by a Telecoms or Utility company to inform you about Products and Services that may be of benefit to you, for example. When you

have registered, applied or made an entry on a Data Contributor’s website or app you will have been given the option to agree to third party marketing by the channel/s that you specified. Typically, you will have four options to choose from which are Telephone, SMS (Text Message), Email or Post. You can select one or all options depending on your preferences. Your ability to process a loan application, enter a competition draw or subscribe to a newsletter is not affected if you choose to decline and opt-out of sharing your information with Third Party Controllers. Please find a list of Products and Services provided or promoted by Third Party Controllers and Sub Processors below

How do we process your information? Your information is processed to:

When have received the information outlined above we will contact you to process your SAR.

For more information and advice on what you are entitled to then please carefully read the information from the UK Supervisory Authority here ico.org.uk/for-the-public/personal-information

Our security measures

We are aware of the importance of safeguarding the information under our control and endeavour to take all reasonable steps to protect it. All data collected through from our data contributors is stored on secure servers, and we have stringent security and confidentiality procedures covering the storage and disclosure of such information in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Any data shared is submitted only via secure https sharing platform utilising single user authentication. This platform has full track and trace ability to log when, where and by whom the data was accessed by. However, providing information and transacting over the internet has inherent security risks, and we cannot be held responsible for any breach of security which is outside our reasonable control or not due to our negligence or wilful default.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

Any changes we may make to our privacy policy in the future will be posted on this page and, where appropriate, notified to you by e-mail. Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to our privacy policy.

How to contact us

If you have any comments or queries about this privacy policy, please email us at compliance@Lead Intelligence .com or call us